Monday 26 June 2023

The Passage of Time

For quite a number of years time had stood still at Thyme Cottage

and all was just a blur of memories.

But as with all things down that long country lane deep in the woods, the whispers were bringing it all back to life as the sun shone through the windows...

and where everything was just a misty haze when time had stood still,

the mist really was clearing

as time began to start moving again.

Although hopefully the passage of time won't go too fast.


Grandfather clock handmade by myself.

The making of the clock: Making a Clock for Thyme Cottage


  1. Oh, I Love the clock! It looks perfectly at home there! It has such a beautiful "face" and "bonnet" on it! And I agree... hopefully Time won't pass too quickly! :)

    1. Thank you so much. Oh yes I hope time doesn't pass too quickly, it does have a habit of doing so, particularly as one gets older.
